Safety Risk Solutions Ltd
Chartered Health and Safety Consultants Supporting Local Business
Teesside - North Yorkshire - Durham - Tyne and Wear
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Manual handling Training
One in three accidents at work are caused by manual handling. Many manual handling incidents cause damage to the back. Every year, 300,000 people in the UK suffer from back pain due to manual handling accidents.
Please contact us for a free no obligation discussion on how we can assist you.
Course contents
Our Manual Handling training can be tailor made to your operations and covers the below:
Manual handling legislation and how this affects you
Manual handling risk factors and how injuries can happen
How to use mechanical aids
How to carry out safe manual handling, including good handling techniques
Systems of work relevant to the worker's tasks and environment
Practical work so our trainer can identify anything the trainee is not doing safely and put it right

Correct manual handling is so important to everyday health, especially if you’re regularly lifting. Providing training on safe carrying and lifting techniques in the workplace is a legal requirement in any situation where your staff are required to do any lifting, lowering, pulling, or pushing as part of their job.
Get in touch with us today to find out more!